Was, Is, and Will be


Connor Asman
100 Naked Words
1 min readDec 1, 2016


The air was fresh, dancing across the freshly mowed hay-field before bumping into me and my companion.

He was adorable, a fierce pit-bull exterior sheltering a heart of gold and a cheeky under-bite.

The sky was vast, ribbons of blue blended with white and speckled with stars at night.

My college friend walked with me, a living relic of the good times.


The air is dry, the result of a thin layer of AC separating my car interior from the winter cold.

My car is my companion now, tons of steel and electronics that guide me through the three hours of the daily commute.

So far, the work is wonderful, the people are kind, and the future looks bright.

Will be

For the past week or so, it has taken all my effort to orient to a new environment.

But worry not my dear friends, I have not forgotten you.



Connor Asman
100 Naked Words

I paint my world with words, so that you might see it too.