What do I believe in?

Snigdha Kulshreshtha
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2016

Yesterday I went to a Zen meditation center near my home. This was the first time I went to any meditation center. After 40 minutes of meditation, I attended a session, more like a casual group discussion, with ginger tea and morning cookies to just share our thoughts, perspectives and questions on a really mind-pondering topic — What do you believe in?

As I sat there, I was initially stumped, what do I believe in?

In no particular order, this is what went through my mid-

I believe in the goodness of heart and spirit that lies in all of us, though for some it gets buried under dusts of conceit, deception, and hatred.

I believe in leading a life where I am not afraid of looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I believe that struggles in life are always there, but so are reasons to be grateful.

I believe that tomorrow will be a better day, and if not, the day after will be. It is not easy to stay optimistic, but then sunny thoughts are better than cloudy thoughts for the soul. So I try!

I believe that everything comes to a full circle, good or bad. Nothing is forever, we will come back to where we started.

I believe in love, and that it is powerful, and it lasts beyond us, space, and time.

Have you ever stopped to think — What do you believe in?



Snigdha Kulshreshtha
100 Naked Words

Researcher by mind, explorer by nature, and a artist at heart.