What we see is shaped by the world we create

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2016

In my world nearly everybody was in. They wanted to remain.

My social media streams were told me that 99% wanted to remain.

I’m part of a 14 person WhatsApp group with my high school friends. 13 wanted to remain, only 1 voted to leave.

My understanding of the world is shaped by the world I have constructed for myself. It just so happened that my world is made up predominantly of people who wanted the UK to remain in the EU.

Not by design or choice. It’s just because my world is made up of people who have a similar mindset to me. The people whom I allow into my world reflect what I want the world to be.

I’m not totally naive. I know that there are many different types of viewpoints int he world. I knew that the referendum would be close, I just thought that ultimately the vote to remain would win.

Now I have to reassess my view of the world. I need to find a way to take the time to look beyond the world I have created for myself and peek into the world that others have created.

Because the reality is that there is no one true view of the world. The “real” world is an amalgamation of what we all see.

Therefore we need to venture out of our own worlds once in a while to check our world against others and gauge where we all are.

