What’s the difference between a wealthy man and a poor man?

You’ll see.

Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words



It all starts with perspective.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

You see, one way to see wealth is by seeing the monetary value attached to what that means exactly, and that’s around a $1 million annual salary. Those “rich” doctors aren’t considered rich because many of them make around $200,000 a year.

For a lot of people, that $200,000 is life changing. Wealth for a doctor may be that $1 million salary. Wealth for college students is being able to pay.

When wealth is handled on an intangible platform, it equalizes what wealth truly is.

Wealth for me is seeing my family while helping others during the process. Wealth for someone else may be driving the car of their dreams to their high school reunion and seeing their high school bully stare in awe. In similar ways, we could be at the same level of wealth.

I define wealth as: a level of happiness that creates blissful moments repetitively and consistently.

That’s my wealth.

Yours Truly,

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Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.