Why a Rainy Day Might Be Your Answer

Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2016


By: Nicole Cayer

I love the sun, the brightness and being outside. Usually, the sound of rain brings me down. This morning it’s raining outside and will likely rain all day. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief.

A sense of relief because today I have an excuse to be lazy and not feel guilty about it. You might see me drink coffee in my pyjamas until noon. Or, finish reading my novel in bed followed by an afternoon nap. I may decide to get caught up with my shows and watch back to back episodes of television.

Of course, I can be unproductive on a sunny day. And I have been many times. After all, it’s my weekend, and I can do what I want. But, sometimes, even on weekends, I find myself evaluating my productivity. What did I do today to move closer to my goals? Sometimes, there’s a small feeling of guilt when the answer is ‘nothing.’

It’s days like today that make me realize it’s okay to be unproductive at times. The rain gives me permission to not feel guilty about it and enjoy it. Days like today help me rejuvenate so tomorrow I will have a clear mind and body. I can be 100% on my game.

Dare I say the rain won’t stop me from moving toward my goals, but may even propel me toward them!

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Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words

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