Why are my Numbers Lacking??

Reaching out to the Medium Community for help!

Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words
2 min readJul 8, 2017


My Numbers are Lacking.

What is going on? I will admit that I sometimes miss a day here and there but I have been pretty consistent. I was thinking about starting to post once a day and then add a second article somewhere in the week. I haven’t been able to commit to that because I have began to overthink the content in which I am producing.

These are pictures from the beginning of my content production to now. It’s a steady downfall and I want to know what I’m doing wrong.

If you have any idea or suggestions, I am more than happy to hear it.

Thank you in advance for your time. Much Love.

Yours Truly,



Austin Sustachek
100 Naked Words

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.