Milton Friedman in ‘Free To Choose’ paying homage to colleague and mentor Leonard Read (1958 text called “I, Pencil”)

Why free market is essential for humanity!

Soham Dutta
100 Naked Words


A lead pencil: the wood maybe comes from a tree some part of the world— a saw to cut down the tree — steel to make the saw — iron ore to make steel — compressed graphite maybe from some mines in South America — the rubber for the probably comes from Malaya, in turn imported from South America by some businessmen with the help of the British government — the brass or the yellow paint or the glue all came from some parts of the world.

Literally thousands of people co-operated to make this pencil. People who don’t speak the same language, who practice different religions, who might hate one another if they ever met! … It was the magic of the price system that brought them together to cooperate, to make this pencil, so you could have it for a trifling sum.

This is the importance of free market operation — to promote growth, harmony and peace throughout the world.



Soham Dutta
100 Naked Words

Writing frees my thoughts and fuels my creativity! A science enthusiast, my life finds purpose through my guitar, sketches and books 💯