Wtf is a bespoke cocktail? Poser.

Linda Caroll
100 Naked Words
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2017
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Some old coots say kids are getting stupider. I disagree. I think we’re stuck in the same bag of stupid we’ve been wrastling around in for years.

You heard the way young people talk today?

Because jeebus, they’re ridiculous, right?

Tea is gossip. (come on now, you gotta spill the tea)
Shade is trash talk, an insult (no shade intended, but that dress… ugh)
Woke is to be socially and politically aware (or so they say)

But wait. Remember the 80s?

Gag me with a spoon. Grody to the max. I’m so sure. Don’t, like, hate me because I, like, say like so much! Like, you know? Headbangers, goths, Valley girls. Big hair everywhere — barf me out, man, that’s gnarly. Bodacious, man. So bad. Totally rad. Don’t have a cow, man. (I had 80s hair. lol! Did you?)

And thanks to Austin Powers…

We all know hippie slang. Groovy baby. Shagalicious. Smashing, dahling. What a gas. Flower power and the fab four and haircuts that made the older generation dead sure young people were headed straight to hell. Woodstock. Omg, Woodstock. Peace, baby, peace. Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know.

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Grampa and Gramma aren’t off the hook, either

Did you know in the 1920s a bimbo was a macho guy and “butt me” meant asking for a cigarette? Hahaha. Bubs were “the girls” if you know what I mean and a bluenose was a killjoy prude. A choice bit of calico was a hot woman and I don’t need to explain Dumb Dora. Don’t believe me? Tell it to Sweeney.

If you’ve ever said any of those things, you can’t be saying kids today are stupider...

Slang isn’t new concept. Much to the chagrin of anyone trying to learn the language, there’s always been slang. Rite of passage? Markers of time?

The one that cracks me up…?

You know those cool kids flashing butt crack and calling people a poser?
What they’re trying to say is poseur. They got the lingo down.

Speeling— aye, there’s the rub.

Course, if they stuck to talking, who’d know? It’s when they type it out on the “innernet” that people like me start to laugh. (Yup. I’m easily amused. lol)

It isn’t just kids!

I saw a grown-arse woman post to say her child is “lack toast and tolerant”
and asking for help. Help, indeed. I darn near died laughing.


Then there’s the guy who said I made a “mute” point. Apparently not! Moot, perhaps? That’s entirely possible, bro. Not to mention all those people who “could care less.” God, it must be emotionally exhausting to be them.

But it’s okay. Because I found help…

God I love the internet!

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