~You Are ~

Shannon Lee Rohn/Poetriss
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017

[a response to I AM]

I thought it was you, who made me strong when I was sick,

But it was you who played those dirty tricks.

The whole time I confided in you,

And look what you put me through.

You are the reason I stumble,

You’re the reason my life falls apart & to the floor it crumbles.

You are the reason I can’t see very clear,

All along it was you who kept me here.

You’re the reason things aren’t what they appear,

It was you who made the fog reappear,

And the sunshine disappear.

Without you I cannot breathe,

But with you, I cannot be freed.

I just have to believe

That you are not what I want, and you are not what I need.

Where are you when I should be strong?

Everything inside of me that fights to belong,

I gave you a chance but you were wrong,

You made me weak, when I wanted to be strong.
Without a spoken word,

You’re still on my mind without being heard.

My thoughts seem to be disturbed,

I can’t see clearly, as my vision must be blurred.

Aren’t you the one who made me afraid?

After all the games we’ve played.

But I continued to stay,

Until the color in the sky turned gray,

You can’t be my friend you have to go away.

You Are the greed,

That nobody ever needs,

Just go away, I’m begging you please,

After all it’s because of you I got this disease.

You aren’t what I need,

You’re the illusion of everything I believe.

You are the reason I am blind,

It’s your fault people walk around lost outside of what they’ll never find,

And the reason they lose their mind.

You are the hidden soul that makes their blood bleed,

You are the addiction they call ‘speed.’

[response to I AM]




Shannon Lee Rohn/Poetriss
100 Naked Words

"We can't change what already happened, but we can change what will."