25. Only Human

Tim Cigelske
100 podcasts
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2016


Illustration via WNYC Digital

Not going to lie, this podcast is solidly inside my comfort zone.

It fits squarely in that familiar WNYC/NPR health/science/psychology genre that includes the likes of Invisibilia, Freakonomics, Note to Self, Radiolab, Hidden Brain, etc.

NPR has perfected (or fallen into a rut with) the successful formula that Stephen Henn recently wrote about. Typically, shows like this follow a format of combining human vulnerability, great storytelling and just enough accessible science to make you feel like you’ve learned something. It’s like catnip for NPR junkies like myself.

The latest episode of Only Human is no different. It features TED Talks star, Duke psychology professor and frequent NPR guest Dan Ariely on why New Year’s resolutions fail.

In a nutshell, Ariely says we set ourselves up for failure when we rely on our good intentions instead of making small habits, we don’t get others to hold us accountable, and when we inevitably fall short we say “what the hell” and go back to our old ways. I feel like I’ve heard this before.

Of course, like a dutiful regular listener I followed Ariely’s advice, I downloaded his app, and I’m taking part in the Only Human fitness project study.

I started my 100 podcast project partly with a goal of expanding and diversifying my listening palate. I’ve listened to some new shows, but today is not one of those days. I’m OK with that.

Hey, I’m Only Human. (Sorry)

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