Like alternadad like son

I’m exploring 100 podcasts and writing what I learn. This is No. 42

Tim Cigelske
100 podcasts
2 min readMar 19, 2017


“I wanted to have the most woke teenager on the block, but Elijah was determined to stay asleep.”

That’s writer Neal Pollack playfully suggesting his 13-year-old son should seek more diversity in his favorite comic book heroes, which includes Deadpool, The Punisher and Moon Knight.

“So white guys seeking revenge through violence, that’s what you like?” Pollack says. “I’m a little disturbed by your proclivities because there’s a white nationalist tint. You’re like an alt-right member of the comic book community.”

“Dad, what are you talking about?” his son replies. “Are you accusing me of being racist and sexist now?”

This is one episode of Audible’s Extra Credit, in which Pollack supplements his son’s Texas public school education with field trips, expert interviews and other hands-on lessons you don’t get in a textbook.

For the most part, the episodes are fairly lighthearted. Pollack makes fun of his own left-leaning “alternadad” stereotypes even as he tries to get his son see things through his lense, like appreciating poetry by talking with a professional poet friend.

Sometimes Elijah gets into the lessons, but mostly he acts like a half-interested teenager indulging his dad. Their self-aware half serious/ half snarky back-and-forth is the foundation of the show.

But there’s also some more serious moments. In Elijah’s textbook, African slaves are described as immigrants to America. So Pollack drives his son 14 hours to a former slave plantation in Louisiana, where they learn about 60 runaway slaves being executed and their heads being displayed in the town square. These are the poignant moments when education becomes tangible.

I found myself binge listening to this podcast this weekend after my 7-year-old daughter started asking me tough questions about bigotry. I get the sense this is the start of years of difficult conversations.

In our neighborhood, the Jewish Community Center has been shut down multiple times due to threats. Now there is a noticeable security and police presence when we leave swimming lessons. My daughter wants to know if the two are related, and I don’t know how to answer her.

I can understand Pollack’s desire to personalize his son’s education. There are some lessons that seem too important to outsource or ignore.

Last night in the car, I noticed one of the Extra Credit episodes was about Judaism. I turned it on, and explained to Clara the connection to our Jewish Community Center.

I can already see the teenager coming out. As Clara played a game on the iPad, she acted about as half interested as Elijah was in learning about this heritage.

But it was a start.

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