Starting 100 Weeks

DK ✌🏽
100 Weeks
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2016


After 8 months of dating, we will be in a super long distance relationship: Iris will be in Providence, Rhode Island and DK will be in Tokyo, Japan. We expect the long distance period to last (at least) 2 years since Iris will be in grad school at RISD and there is no way in hell that DK is ever moving to Providence.

Even though we’ve been sort-of-long distance for the entirety of our relationship, it wasn’t too bad because Iris was in Los Angeles while DK was in San Francisco so we were able to visit each other a lot. (Iris mainly visited DK because she’s unemployed :-) )

We wanted to start a blog to document this portion of our relationship and create a new channel of communication in addition to our texts, phone calls, and video chats. We hope that the structure of the weekly posts will help us constructively reflect on our relationship on a regular basis. Hopefully you guys & gals will enjoy seeing our relationship crumble before your eyes mostly due to DK’s deficiencies.


  • Frequency
    We must each post at least once a week. Each week will have a “Week [#]” post that follows the template below and any additional posts that each person wants to write, titled in the format “[Author, Week #] Title”.
  • Permissible Content
    For now, anything goes. We will most likely revisit this rule once we learn what we’re comfortable sharing with the world. (Iris asked if it’s okay to lie in her posts and I said no so false content is impermissible AS IT SHOULD BE.)

Weekly Template

  1. What went well this week?
  2. What would you like to do differently?
  3. What did you learn about the other person?
  4. What did you learn about yourself?
  5. Additional comments?



DK ✌🏽
100 Weeks

last year, a foolish boy. this year, no change!