Jam 4: It takes courage to answer a call

Jaspreet Makkar
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2017

I’m writing this sitting in a train from Jhansi to home, listening to John Frusciante make love to his guitar in a song called ‘Before the beginning’.

Usually in a situation like this I find it very easy to be thoughtless — just listening to the music and personalising it with my own interpretations.

But not today.

Today, every hi-hat reminds me of a face. The face of an old man that I met at the station.

The face of an old man possibly in need of help.

A call for help that went unanswered.

A friend and I were waiting for our train to arrive when an old man who seemed to be in his 70s — wearing a saffron coloured baba attire — long white hair and beard — feebleness in his voice and walk — asked us for the next train to Agra.

In a moment like this, for most of us (including me) the ‘sanu ki’ kicks in. Which basically leads to an ‘I’ve no idea’ as an answer. The same happened today.

We told him that we’ve no idea and watched him walk away still seeking help.

An hour later, I saw the man again. This time struggling to pick his luggage. There were people around — I was there. We all saw but we didn’t see. He asked for help but he didn’t ask for help.

I failed him twice in an hour. He didn’t look affected. Maybe he’s used to people failing him. Maybe he’s used to being an old man all by himself with no one with a second to help him with.

This is not how I want to be. This is not how I was. And this is not what I’m going to be.

So today, I’ll make a promise to myself and to you — I’ll step up and answer honest calls for help. Even if it’s as basic as a Google search to let a helpless man know which train to catch.

I will own up and do what’s needed of me. Promise.

It takes courage to answer a call.
It takes courage to give to all.
It takes courage to risk your name.
It takes courage to be true.
It takes courage to dare- what no other will share.
To be standing alone with whom no one will.
To be ready to stake for another man’s sake.
It takes courage to be true.
It takes courage to say what no other will pay.
To give each man his share.
Though there will be less to spare.
To be seeking no more than the neighbour next door.
It takes courage to be true.

