Photo by Irene Kredenets on Unsplash

A mystical secret

100 Words 100 Days
Published in
Sep 18, 2020


Sometimes mum would open a can of pineapples. They seemed fake — how can a fruit be so perfectly circular, how does something grow with a hole in the middle? I wondered.

One day dad bought a real pineapple. It didn’t look like a fruit at all. More like one of the plants from aunt’s garden — the kind that’s impossible to either appreciate or kill.

I saw no correspondence between what dad bought, and what came out of a can. I felt a little sorry for dad. Maybe he was scammed and got sold a pineapple tree instead of a fruit?

We didn’t know how to approach it it.

I remember the pineapple sitting in the middle of the table at grandma’s. Everyone around staring, as if expecting it to open by itself to reveal a mystical, tropical secret. Or, at least a can of pineapples we could actually eat.



100 Words 100 Days

📈 Aspiring data scientist. Rationality fan. EA. Vegan. Working to improve global mental health at