250 words about 250 words

David Kadavy
100 Words About
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2017

I published 500 words a day for awhile, and I published 100 words a day for awhile.

Publishing 500 words a day was key in quadrupling my creative productivity. I expected the quality of my writing to suffer, but it actually got better, and my writing got noticed more.

100 words a day was surprising in a few ways.

  • It led to more ideas. The barrier between thinking something and being able to write about it was lowered.
  • It increased starting resistance. Like trying to jog in a playpen, I didn’t have room within my goal to gain momentum. The end was too close.
  • It hurt my creative productivity. After finishing 100 words, I would suddenly feel a need for a reward. I might be just as eager — and feel just as much like I owed it to myself—to check email or Twitter, as if I had just published 500 words, or 1,000 words.

(This isn’t to say that 100 words a day couldn’t be a valuable habit for a busy person trying to get into a writing rhythm.)

I have to be protective of my, what Hemingway would call, “juice.” I shouldn’t have a writing habit that taps out my juice for the rest of the day, because I need to take Getting Art Done from first draft to published book. But without a creative habit, my sense of usefulness and sharpness as a writer crumble quickly.

Maybe I’ll try 250 words a day. This isn’t a proclamation that that’s what I’ll be doing. We’ll see how it feels.

Getting Art Done will boost your creative productivity so you can bring your work into the world.



David Kadavy
100 Words About

Author, ‘Mind Management, Not Time Management’ https://amzn.to/3p5xpcV Former design & productivity advisor to Timeful (Google acq’d).