Google Home/Pine 64 Audio

Bryan B.
100000 Arrows
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2017

I kick-started the Pine 64, and while it is still stuck in it’s box, I’m pretty excited to do something with it. As an audio snob, I’ve long wanted to use it for an audio server. There are a lot of guides out there for this sort of thing. Some of what I want to do include:

  • Play FLAC from a local filestore
  • Controllable through IOS
  • Stream Spotify
  • Controllable through Google Home/Alexa
  • Scrobble records

The first one, and third ones are the ones you usually hear about. The fourth one is related this. The second one I’ve not researched much, but have some ideas. Finally, the last one. The last one sounds really hard, but I have some basic ideas.

Scrobbling Records

In case you forget, scrobbling is the term for recording your listens to There are a few steps involved here:

  • use the API for scrobbling albums
  • use the discogs API for looking up records by bar-code
  • connect a bar-code reader to the Pine, and have it call a script that implements both of these APIs.

This kind of project really excites my love of multi-platform software and blending old things with new.


Today I had the idea to integrate an Instagram bot with the record-scanner. Essentially post an image from an archive of the cover art to some IG account. A fun way to look back through what I’ve listened to.



Bryan B.
100000 Arrows

I likes math, data, and tech. Algorithms @ Stitchfix, previously Data Engineering @ Blue Bottle Coffee (Bean Counter), 2-previously Research @ IBM, …