How Your Hobbies Can Help Your Job Search

Manuel Angel reflects on embracing his hobbies to boost his confidence and help his job search

4 min readOct 5, 2020


The author performing stand-up comedy
The author performing stand-up comedy

1000hires Candidate Spotlight is a series chronicling the experiences of unemployed job seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

After five years at a tech company, I was laid off because of budget cuts due to COVID-19. I’m sure this story seems familiar to a lot of you. After all, 1000hires was created to help people in just that particular situation. When I got my notice, I went through the usual stages of grief. I panicked for a second, then I got angry, then I got a little bit depressed, then finally after I accepted that I was out of a job, I hit the market with renewed determination.

What I did not expect is how my new found free time would drive me to reconnect with some old abilities and skills, and how those skills have helped both my job search, and my personal development along the way. Taking some time during the job search to engage in your hobbies, and doing something that really fires up your soul can have an incredible effect in how you approach the quest for a new career opportunity and how you feel about yourself.

I’ve been struggling with a speech impediment all of my life, I’m a stutterer. There has been times in my life when I couldn’t get a single word out of my mouth. And yet, I do stand-up comedy. The trick? Very careful enunciation, very deliberate delivery, and good material. When I realized, I was going to have to go through job interviews and needed to be able to communicate properly, I turned to my comedy background. I decided to sit down, write some new material, and rehearse it. Now, I have a new routine and a boost of confidence. While the initial blow of getting laid off hit me hard and impacted my speech, it was through comedy that I got my confidence back and managed to record my video for 1000hires without any serious speech issues.

An eternity ago, I inked and lettered a comic book that sadly never got published. I used to draw a lot. Almost every day in fact. But as I got busier and busier with work, I stopped doing it, even though it was something that really made me happy. So, when I suddenly found I had a little extra time, I asked myself “Do I still have it?”. Turns out, the answer was…kinda. I do need some practice, but I can still sketch quite well. Not only that, but I also found that sketching helps calm me down and lift my confidence. Knowing that I can create something from a blank piece of paper is a huge boost.

Along with drawing, I also love writing. For five years, I wrote a blog about heavy metal but that fell by the wayside with work responsibilities. Sure, writing was part of my old job, but writing about what you love is very different than writing for business. Rekindling this hobby has given me the chance to meet and network with some amazing people. It has also gotten me published in one of the top Employer Brand blogs in the world. And since English is not my first language, it has also helped me improve my communication skills — crucial when it comes to landing a job.

When it comes to keeping your spirits up and building your confidence during the job search, it’s not just about hitting the job boards and knocking interviews out of the park. Sometimes, it’s about reconnecting with hobbies that makes your soul burn, and using what you’ve learned to find your next career move.

About the author

Manuel Angel is a talent brand and marketing professional based out of Guadalajara Mexico, with nine years of experience in the business. He’s helped companies such as Hewlett Packard and Oracle create, grow, and evolve their employer brands. He is passionate about building great teams, elevating people so they reach levels beyond what they ever imagined, and innovating in the field of candidate experience. He is fueled by anime and professional wrestling. Connect with him on LinkedIn

About 1000hires

1000hires aims to get at least 1000 people impacted by COVID-19 layoffs back on their feet, using bite-sized interviews for recruiters and prospective employers to get a glimpse of their story. Check us out at and follow us on Linkedin for more information on how we’re helping jobseekers.

