My Heart Went Zoom: An Introvert’s Love Letter to the Digital Call

Rebecca Scott Wolfe encourages fellow introverts to embrace the power of Zoom

4 min readNov 3, 2020


1000hires Candidate Spotlight is a series chronicling the experiences of unemployed job seekers during the COVID-1 9 pandemic and beyond.

What was your life like eight months ago? I worked in the office of a major Broadway theatre owner and producer, fulfilling my childhood dream. Despite the years of hustling and hard work to get to where I was, I was unfilled and unsatisfied. I was burnt out from the stimuli of Times Square, and not coping with the way I was feeling in a healthy way. I felt like I was at a crossroads and many days, I wished the world would stop and go away so I could plan my next move without distraction.

I’m a natural introvert, meaning I prefer the intimate company of few trusted friends with a cup of tea and a good book over a night out. The early days of the pandemic proved they would be a natural fit for the life I wanted. Not leaving the house and limiting contact with the outside world? Sounds good to me!

In early April my job was “permanently terminated.” I used the remainder of that month to mourn my past life and regroup for what comes next. By the end of the month I mustered the strength to sign up for a careers workshop that required me to download some app called Zoom, and thus I entered the next phase of my life.

Zoom has allowed my introverted self to thrive both professionally and personally. I have made stronger connections and felt more comfortable and confident looking into the camera of my MacBook than meeting people in person where my eyes are typically darting around the crowded room desperately looking for someone to talk to. I’ve made some wonderful new connections in breakout rooms of college alumni networking events. I’ve made jokes with recruiters about how my internet loves to default to the WiFi extender, even though the router is seven feet away from me. I’ve attended political events via Zoom and developed phone banking skills- because what is more en vogue this year than politics and video conferencing?

Zoom allows me to exude confidence because I am comfortable in my own space. I can dance around my room to Little Mix right up until I have to turn the camera on. I can light a pumpkin spice candle and feel soothed by the smell. I can rely on my home brewed coffee to always be tasty and get me prepped and ready for the meeting.

Aside from networking and work calls, I never knew the power of Zoom for my personal life. Zoom dating has changed the game. First, second, and third dates via video allowed me to have a fourth date in person, eliminating all the awkward hiccups of your standard first meeting. I’ve also participated in Zoom yoga and even met some wonderful members of my community through a Zoom potluck group. Some of the most enriching and intimate connections I’ve made in years have happened over Zoom.

While many are facing imposter syndrome in the digital world, I can say I have fully come into my own. I am my most authentic self when I click the Zoom link. I light up when I see the slight blue reflection in my “Zoom glasses” (yes I bought a pair of pink glasses to wear specifically for video calls because it’s a conversation piece) and the brief moment of adrenaline when I make sure I am on mute. If this is the future, I will gladly zoom into it. To my fellow introverts, come join me on the ride and embrace the medium made for us.

About the Author

Rebecca Scott Wolfe is based in New York City and spent 3.5 years working in theatrical administration. By day she assisted some of Broadway’s top producers and executives and by night assisted patrons at the hit musical Hamilton. She is currently looking to transition into an administrative role in the financial sector. Her drive and ambition have taught her to be a team player, strong organizer, and fast learner. Outside of the workplace Rebecca is passionate about a good cuppa, yoga, and corgis. Connect with her on LinkedIn at

About 1000hires

1000hires aims to get at least 1000 people impacted by COVID-19 layoffs back on their feet, using bite-sized interviews for recruiters and prospective employers to get a glimpse of their story. Check us out at and follow us on LinkedIn for more information on how we’re helping jobseekers: Linkedin

