86. Tim Buckley — Goodbye and Hello (1967)

Brian Braunlich
1001 Album Project
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2020
  1. Here we have a pretty solid folk rock album, embracing some more of the baroque sounds that we’ve heard on albums from 1967. Not sure what the deal is with that — did acts hear The Beatles incorporating eastern instruments and think “let’s do that, but go back in time instead”? It works pretty well here though.
  2. Buckley’s voice is quite unique; a fairly feminine sound, almost akin to a smoother Janet Joplin in range and tone. Buckley’s got a great wail that mirrors the songs themselves well.
  3. There are three real standout tunes here in my opinion. “Pleasant Street” drives with a groove and intensity that hints at the less folk-oriented directions Buckley’s music would end up taking. “I Never Asked To Be Your Mountain” is an emotional address to his estranged wife and son; “Once I Was” draws a direct line to Elliot Smith or Wilco’s music. They’re really excellent.

One Essential Song:

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Brian Braunlich
1001 Album Project

Figuring it out in San Francisco. Believer in the good.