1001Tracklists Presents: A State of Dance Music 2020

Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2021


2020 was a difficult year. The world of dance music, and life as we know it, was flipped completely upside down. While live performances have been few and far between, 2020 has fostered incredible creativity and innovation in a way that is unlike anything we’ve seen before.

With more free time at home, we’ve seen a renewed passion for electronic music, and the incredible 1001 community is thriving with all of the content that’s available. In 2020, there were more sets and mixes added to 1001Tracklists than ever before, up a remarkable 30% from last year.

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2020 was also a year where worldwide social movements exposed racial and gender disparities that are not only prevalent in society, but also in dance music. This year only 9.4% of the Top 1000 tracks came from women and BIPOC, a number that is FAR too low. In 2021, we are committed to continuing to spotlight more of these artists, and we encourage fans, DJs, and labels to seek out and champion more music from these artists as well.

Despite the challenges of 2020, there have been many positive takeaways bubbling beneath the surface. Artists have had time to spend with friends and family, time that’s often hard to come by when touring. Musically, artists have had more time than ever to lock themselves in the studio. We’ve already seen the results of their hard work, and we’re so excited to hear the musical revolution coming in the days, weeks, and months ahead!

A special thank you goes to our community, especially everyone contributing to the site to make it the comprehensive platform that it is — we could not exist without your devotion.

Lastly, a big thank you to BPM Supreme, one of the leading DJ record pools, for helping to make this report happen.

Now please join us in celebrating your favorite tracks, artists, moments, and memories from 2020, and let’s share the happiness and hope for a brighter 2021! Enjoy this year’s report, and we can’t wait to see you on the dancefloor again soon!


