100 Days of Code: Day 1

Danielle Moss


So I fell off the wagon again and have to restart my #100DaysOfCode. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this and it probably won’t be the last. I have realized I need to figure out how to manage my time after I get home from work. It’s really hard to make yourself code at home on stuff you want to work on after coding all day for work. But I’m going to keep working on this and hope I can get to 100 days.

I am going to modify my time limit for the challenge. After reading about another coder’s 100 day challenge, I realized I need to make a challenge that works for me and my schedule/health restrictions. So I’m changing my time from 1 hour of code to 30 mins of code. I can find 30 mins in a day easier than I can find 1 hour so I’m going to go with this and see how things turn out.

So I started learning D3. It’s been one of those things that I’ve wanted to learn for a while and

  1. haven’t made the time to do so and
  2. haven’t until now found a tutorial that explains how to use D3 that isn’t really confusing or assuming you know JavaScript really well.

Luckily Traversy Media has a short D3 series that goes over the basics and shows you how to make some simple charts. I made it to video 3 and have learned a lot so far. D3 is very much like jQuery and makes selecting and manipulating elements really easy.

Unfortunately my chart doesn’t work and I’m not sure why, but I’ll save debugging for tomorrow. It really is a short course (8 videos) but it does go over the basics and I can check off “Learning D3" from my list of code I’ve wanted to learn.

So that’s me for tonight. As always awesome readers, stay classy and code on!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.