100 Days of Code: Day 12

Danielle Moss
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2017

In the wee-early hours of the morning: It’s now 1:13am and I’m just now getting tired. I still don’t feel that great either. I think I’m getting a cold again. Not surprising with how insane Virginia weather is, but I digress. I just completed some pre-game code prep for when I get ready to work on things tomorrow….later on today….right… So anyway, I just finished a very good, no awesome and amazing, jQuery tutorial series that had an in-depth tutorial on Ajax and how to get information to display from a backend database. Needless to say, I learned a LOT more than I did when I did the quick tutorial on WebTutsPlus (don’t even bother with this one — it gives even less of an overview than the Packt Quick Start guides). And I also watched his Intro to Yeoman, Grunt, and Bower video so I can be ready for when I get back to working in the Professional AngularJS book. I’ll probably watch the Yeoman and Angular video at a later point since my brain is now completely saturated with knowledge and needs a break. Oh! Also looking forward to working some more on my Wikipedia Viewer. I think I know what I need to do now to get things working so here’s hoping I’m right aka let’s see if I’m not crazy and can get this to work. I’m hopeful that I’ll make more progress today…tomorrow..no today. I’m going to bed.

After 8 hours of sleep: I got my Wikipedia viewer to work! Can’t take all the credit though since I got a lot of help from my fellow campers on the FreeCodeCamp forum, but I’m glad they were able to steer me in the correct direction.

Ended up having to make the world’s strangest for loop to get things to work, but it checked out as correct JavaScript so I must have done something right. And it was close to what I thought I needed to do early this morning. Also, sleep is good.

I think I may figure out a way to get the results to not repopulate a if the search button is pressed twice. Didn’t realize the button did this until I made the mistake of hitting the search twice myself. I have an idea of what I need to do to get that working correctly, but I’ll definitely save my work as a Gist before I try it and screw things up royally. lolz

Well that’s it for me today. I may work on the styling of the Wikipedia Viewer later on, but I’m glad to have the majority of the hard part done. And I think that allows me to have a well deserved break. :)

So my dear readers, stay classy, be awesome, and code on!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.