100 Days of Code: Day 29

Danielle Moss
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2017

Worked on learning React some more tonight, covering:

  1. ReactDOM.render()
  2. Building a Product List class and Product class
  3. How to make the Product class data-driven by using objects from the data model
  4. What props are and how to use them (all the curly braces {})
  5. Using “this” with props (this.props.title for example)
  6. How delimiters work in JSX
  7. How to render multiple products in the products list
  8. Mapping an array using ES6
  9. Using arrow functions (new to ES6)
  10. Sorting an array (for now, which will be talked about in detail on how this is bad later on in the book)

It’s a lot to cover in one night, but I feel like I’m starting to get used to how React is supposed to behave for a small app. Can a write an app from scratch yet? Hell no! But I can figure out how parts of it work and explain what they do with the assistance of Google, Stack Overflow, and MDN since I’ll actually know what to look up now instead of floundering listlessly — which I still count as a win in my book.

But I’m working slowly so I can understand what’s going on with the example app. I also found out my old Nook Color Tablet (yeah it’s old but I still get some use from it) isn’t displaying the epub file correctly, so I was missing bits and pieces of the code I needed to update as I worked through the book. It took a few error messages and checking the epub against my other laptop to notice it wasn’t displaying correctly, which I’ve remedied by now using one laptop to read my book and the other to code. Is this a janky way to do things? Probably, but it works for me so I’m not complaining.

Plus my stress level is waaay down now that I understand how the book wants me to work through their examples. And I also make sure to turn off the console before I end for the night just in case Windows 10 decides to get special again and I have to use a restore point to fix things (cause I set that up this time around-I know! I’m thinking and we totes love that!).

And that’s it for me tonight dearest readers. Stay classy, be awesome, and code on!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.