100 Days of Code: Day 6

Danielle Moss
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2018
Party balloons! Forgot to take a picture of my cake so you get party balloons.

So my birthday was on June 1st, so I’ve spent Friday and Saturday celebrating. But from today forward, it’s back to regular coding.

I took a break from my coding schedule to do some updates for the Anime USA site. I also tried to work with a new layout for the site to see if my idea could work. Unfortunately it’s not working out so much. But I do have a possible solution in the form of a different WordPress add-on — just need to get approval from my department head to allow me to make the purchase.

I also have an idea for our membership area that will take some simple Font-Awesome icons to get to work. I think I’ll take a page out of my pattern for work and make a crap sketch of what I’m thinking of, then make a wireframe to see what it will look like on screen, then try several attempts to actually get it working. Here’s hoping I can work my magic to make this look right.

And that’s it for me tonight awesome people. As always, stay classy and code on!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.