100 Days of Code: Day 6

Danielle Moss
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018
AJAX — Not as difficult as it seems…I’ve probably just jinxed myself…

Working through the first part of Requests in the Codecademy JavaScript course. So far the hardest thing to do is getting the API key set up and running with the correct permissions and associated with the Google account I want to use. But after that it’s just following along with the prompts and trying not to have too many typos so the Codecademy processor doesn’t get angry.

It is nice to have a chance to learn how to use AJAX correctly for API requests. FreeCodeCamp, the first time I started using it, just threw you into the weather app project and said “Good luck! Use Read-Search-Ask if you need help!”, and then gave me a general idea of how to connect to the API the second time around. This actually helped me out more since I now had something to use as a guide, but it was still “Good luck! Use Read-Search-Ask if you need help!” for the most part. So it’s kind of nice to have something that holds your hand while trying to figure things out. I feel like FreeCodeCamp needs an AJAX specific section or just a section on how to make requests to an API so people are not as lost like I was when I first started.

Not to say FreeCodeCamp hasn’t helped me learn what I needed to create apps, but I feel like a little more prep work in the JavaScript exercises would have been nice to have.

Anyway, I wanted to get this post in before midnight, but I’m going to continue on until I start to get tired.

And that’s it for me for this post. Stay classy awesome people and code on!

**Update** — Got halfway through Requests Part 1 (9/18 sections in this part) and deciding to call it a night. Going to hit this up some more tomorrow.



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.