100 Days of Code: Day One (Once more with feeling…)

Danielle Moss
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’ve picked up the #100DaysOfCode challenge a few times (I think it’s been 3 so far) and there has always been a reason I haven’t been able to complete it. Due to sickness/poor health, family stuff, job stuff, or general fatigue, I could never complete the challenge.

Well I’m not going to let that stop me. I’m trying the challenge again. Maybe this time I’ll be able to make it to the end. Yes, I’ve said that before so I wouldn’t believe me either.

So for today, I completed my challenge by going back through the updated JavaScript course on Codecademy. I haven’t learned ES6/ES2015 yet, and they’ve updated the course to include the new JS syntax, so I figured I would power through it to get an idea of what I’m getting into for the future. Plus I completed the ReactJS Parts I and II and was seriously confused when I saw const, let, arrow functions, and ternary operators.

Seriously, this was pretty much my face when I first saw ternary operators and arrow functions.

So far, I’ve made it through to Scope. Took me much longer than 1 hour to complete, but this is more review than my hardcore note taking and making examples in my notebooks kind of coding I’ve been doing.

I lost my job last year (took me a shorter time to find another job this time but I sadly couldn’t keep it) and I learned the hard way I’m not very good with Back-End Development. So I’m focusing on Front-End Development and I’m working on learning AngularJS (1.x for a possible future job), React, Bootstrap 4, and maybe a template language like Moustache.js or Handlebars.js. (At least I think those are template languages….guess I’ll find out!) But the aim is to try and code everyday and so far I’ve been doing a good job of keeping to that pace. Plus finishing The Dark Tower series really freed up my time. (Finished it in less than a year — good series, didn’t really care for the ending though…)

So, same rules as last time:

  1. Code for 1 hour a day.
  2. Post results to Medium with #100daysofcode tag
  3. Tweet Medium post with #100daysofcode tag
  4. Try not to miss more than 2 days in a row
  5. Don’t be afraid to get stuck.
  6. Don’t code while sick.
  7. Always seek help since I’m never alone on my coding adventures.

So here we go again! Stay classy awesome people and code on!

**UPDATE**: Still had some energy so I continued on and completed Scope, Arrays, and Loops. The last exercise gave me an idea of how I can get my Random Quote Generator to stop repeating quotes. Not sure if it will work but I’ll give it a try.



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.