100 Days of Code: Days 26, 27, 28

Danielle Moss
Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2017
How I’ve been feeling lately…

Day 26: I worked a little on the AUSA website and looked more into trying to fix some of the oddball problems that are left. It’s definitely going to take me moving everything over to the main domain to fix, which I’m really not looking forward to doing, but it will make a lot of people happy in the long run and will most likely lower the amount of stress I’ll be under while maintaining the site. Also had a chat meeting with some of the other Marketing members and we have a surprise in store. Not telling yet, but it will be awesome once we get things going. Also went to an indoor stock car race and was finally able to watch all three races. The show itself ran late, especially when the track had to get cleaned up from a fluid spill that actually did go around the entirety of the track, but it was a lot of fun. And it was my nephew’s third birthday, so I filmed one of the races and posted it to Facebook so he could see it. Boy really loves cars so I hope he liked it.

Day 27: Went into work at a local retro game store and stayed a little longer than usual since there were multiple events happening in the city that day and we had moments of some people to WTF WHERE DID ALL THESE PEOPLE COME FROM?! moments. But it kept all of us busy and helped make the time go by faster. Plus I love our customers. Being able to talk to other nerds about the games we love is great. Also took some time to figure out if I needed to use ES6 with AngularJS or if I could use Vanilla JS since I’m still learning how to set things up. Found out Vanilla JS is fine, and in the same fashion where I have Nioh and Horizon Zero Dawn and say I’m going to play them and just keep playing Overwatch instead, I decided I have ES6 on the brain and went with learning React.js instead.

It took me a while to come to that decision. I have one person telling me AngularJS is the way to go, while I have another telling me React is the path I should take, and yet another is telling me Vue is the new “it” thing. I’ll probably end up making something in all of them so I’ll be able to say I have some familiarity with each framework, but I may just end up using React for now since it’s already set up for ES6. Plus trying to go back and forth between each framework would be torture enough, so I’ll just focus on React for now and get used to ES6 at the same time.

Day 28: Ran some errands and started learning React.js. I’m using the book Fullstack React to learn the framework and I really like it so far. It even shows you what you should see on screen, down to the error messages! Plus, the authors are always updating the book so it’s up to date with the current version of React and will send me a new copy so I never have to buy a newer edition. I love them so much right now!

Plus, I found out the hard way that I didn’t have to install all those dependencies for my projects individually as the Professional AngularJS book led me to believe. What you do is read the section (for this book anyway) to see what’s going on in the app, then run a npm script in the project’s code folder to see what just happened.

So basically if I had read further along, I would have completely avoided having to reset my laptop back to factory and going through getting all my software installed again.

…yeah…the more you know, right?

But at least I think I have things set up more or less the way I would like to have them this time around. Totally know what I will/won’t use and didn’t bother installing anything extraneous so I can have more drive space to work.

But yeah…I’m in a much better place now mentally. I have an idea of how I want to get things done and what I need to do to feel like I’m making progress. Plus, I need to work on what’s best for me and not what other feel is the best/more important path I should follow. And that feels really good right now.

So it’s late and waaay past my bed time. So my dearest readers, stay classy, be awesome, code on, and good night!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.