100Days of DS code (Datascience) Day 1 -Python for Data science

Pydata Port Harcourt
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2019

Kindly see the curriculum and topic for each week https://gist.github.com/Emekaborisama/c172599855a757b624c783c9a64ebd0c


A Brief Article on Data Science

Data science is a field of Big Data geared toward providing meaningful information based on large amounts of complex data. Data science combine different fields of work in statistics and computation in order to interpret data for the purpose of decision making.

Data science is everywhere, incredible amounts of data are generated every day, from apps on your phone to medical devices and every part of society connects with data: agriculture, engineering, finance and more.

I love Data science because it gives me the amazing power to:
1. Make a difference. Use data to solve global hunger or drive better business decisions. Maybe one day you could shape a hurricane disaster response plan, improve self-driving cars or define a military defense strategy.

2. Challenge yourself. Engage your quantitative and creative side. You’ll learn to apply the technical fundamentals of data science to data analysis pipelines and develop the knowledge and skills to transform data into insights. Learn about data visualization and how to communicate your findings to inform actions.

3. Create your future. Data scientists have the skills for a rewarding career in almost any industry!

Python for Data science.

Python is a general-purpose programing language which has precise and efficient syntax and its also used for data analytics, presentation, and visualization.

Python has built-in modules providing standardized solutions

Why Data Scientist should use python

  1. Libraries are platform independent
  2. It.s a winning formula for productivity, quality, and maintainability
  3. It’s a leading technology for academic and industry
  4. It’s an OOP raid development language

For more info on this kindly see this Quora post (click here)

Yes, you have successfully completed DAY 1(99 left) and you are required to share what you learned on your social media page.

For Me

Week Subject: Python for Data Scientist

Topic: Why Data Scientist should use python

Todays Lesson: We did an Introduction on Python for Data Science and Why Data Scientist should use Python.

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #100daysofcode #100daysofDscode #100days #Day1 #DataScience

THANKS SEE YOU IN DAY 2 (click here to see Day 2)

