Day 10 of #100DaysofHustle: Introducing Jess!

Jess Lord
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2017

Hi, my name is Jess! I’m a graphic designer from Liverpool. I have been described as always having a smile on my face — proof supplied above! I applied to Catalyst as my confidence took a knock and I felt a bit lost.

A bit about you?

I graduated this year in Graphic Design and Illustration, specialising in Graphic Design. I had a design job just before I graduated that I thought was more long term than it was. I was let go as I didn’t have enough experience, and I know there are a lot of others who have had the same happen to them. I mean how do you get experience when people aren’t willing to give you experience? On the plus side, I really enjoyed the projects I worked on. I got some real world experience and ended up with great things for my portfolio.

Reality set in and I started looking for any job to support myself. I’d previously worked in pubs but I wanted to do something different. I got a job in retail and, whilst there, I decided that I wanted to train as a travel money advisor.

When I was counting euros, dollars and pesos, it was confidence in my design skills that took the knock. After being let go from my design job, I started to doubt myself thinking I wasn’t good enough. The drive in me to just to keep going kicked in and, at a careers meeting, I discovered Catalyst and decided to apply.

What’s the future looking like for you?

My future is looking possible. I know it sounds strange, but after losing that job, I felt like no place would want me again and that my design career was done and dusted (I know, so dramatic!) *insert eye roll emoji*

I’ve took positives from it, as I’ve realised things about myself and also what kind of company I want to be a part of. I know everyone says it but not being in that job has honestly been the best thing for me, as it led me to join Catalyst. On this programme I’ve learnt more about the kind of person I am, I’ve met a great bunch of people, and it has opened my eyes to possibilities that are out there.

I feel like my confidence has grown, so much so that I have set up a coffee meeting to discuss my portfolio and learn more about a company I met on the Catalyst programme. I’m very excited to explore the opportunites around me and if things work out — great! And if they don’t then it’s okay, because everything happens for a reason, even if at the time I don’t quite understand why.

What will you be doing during #100DaysofHustle?

I will be learning After Effects, focusing on Motion Graphics. It’s something I enjoyed at uni, but I feel like I didn’t have the time to get to grips with it. I will be learning each day and YouTube videos have been a great help. People aren’t lying when they say you can learn anything on YouTube!

I tested out my knowledge and created a GIF for #100DaysofHustle (logo designed by fellow Hustler, Leanne)

What have you done today?

Today I have been creating GIFs for use on my website to show snippets of my projects on my homepage. I have also been perfecting my animated site title.

When I learn a new trick, I try to keep repeating the steps to create the animation so I don’t have to keep going back on to YouTube to remind myself how to do it!

If you’d like to see what I have created visit my website at: You can also follow my Instagram @designbyjess

