Day 6 of #100DaysofHustle: Introducing Jake!

Jake Walker
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2017

Hi there! I'm Jake, 23 from Wirral. Here’s my story from Engineer to Chocolate Engineer to Software Developer.

So where did the idea of #100DaysofHustle come from?

#100DaysOfHustle is a challenge for anybody with a given interest, to practice everyday for 100 days and see where it takes them. It is for anybody looking to improve their skills or hobby and ultimately their life!

A bit more about you?

I previously completed a 2 year civil engineering apprenticeship which about 7 months in I realised it was not the job for me! My bad attitude towards going in every day, ultimately, lead me to being sacked! But I believe everything happens for a reason, so my next role as a cake decorator (Chocolate Engineer to my friends) allowed me to learn Programming in my own time and about 2 months ago I joined Red Ninja as an Apprentice Software Developer.

but onto more important topics…

I have a Pug called Pugsley which I prefer, to most people! He deserves a special mention as he is getting old and having some issues walking :(

Here he is in all his Pug-ly glory. Magnificent.


Whats the future looking like for you?

My future revolves around code! It’s a really exciting time to be in the tech industry with SO much promising to materialise in so many areas. I want to position myself as an all round developer, with perhaps some VR or data science experience which I will definitely receive at Red Ninja.

What will you be doing during #100DaysofHustle?

I will be putting an hour extra into my coding as well as my working hours, and I will share my resources at the end so that perhaps they can help others!

What have you done today?

Worked EXTREMELY hard! (for anybody reading in work)

Today I have been working on learning MongoDB which is part of the MEAN stack. This is basically a group of JavaScript frameworks that allow for a complete working skeleton of an app. They are Mongodb, Express.js, Angular.js & node.js

I am a big fan of encouraging people to learn programming as it allows a secure, fun and exciting career that not many other sectors can rival!


I don't know about you but before I started programming, it seemed extremely DAUNTING to me. Even the terminal made me shiver. So I will share some tips that will save you months of time in your programming journey and make it seem a lot more friendly. (take it from me)

1st: BUDDY UP! — A problem shared is a problem halved

2nd: Just Write! — If in doubt, just copy!

3rd: KEEP GOING! — Even the experts get stuck. Believe me.

And finally I can share some excellent JavaScript resources that can take you from 0-job ready! — FREE fun interactive Front End activities with an excellent teacher… Wes Bos — learn anything JavaScript through the terminal for FREE

YOUTUBE — You can literally learn anything on YouTube!

