100 Days of Writing Prompts

Nicole Zhu
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2015

A complete list of my writing prompts from The Hundred Day Project. I collected some prompts from extensive Googling, while others are original prompts, personal musings on random topics, subjects for blog posts, or suggestions by friends. Some entries have been published in their entirety on Medium.

  1. female role models/teamwork
  2. taking an experience and writing about it (the “Medium” effect)
  3. on drinking
  4. #sndmakes: moving pictures that are less shitty than GIFs
  5. the perpetual feeling of “being behind”
  6. what would you change about yourself?
  7. my parents’ immigrant experience
  8. on keeping in touch
  9. what’s wrong with “chill”
  10. describe, in detail, your morning routine
  11. feeling overwhelmed
  12. write about a scar
  13. answering the question “where are you from?”
  14. write about a song that you associate closely with a specific moment
  15. three things you want in a relationship
  16. cut the garbage out of your life
  17. a place you enjoyed visiting
  18. urgent vs. important
  19. write about your favorite article of clothing
  20. types of friendships
  21. Leslie Knope vs. Liz Lemon
  22. thoughts on imposter syndrome
  23. airports and travel
  24. accepting your body
  25. where are you right now?
  26. on bookstores
  27. my parents’ relationship
  28. why i love television
  29. in retrospect
  30. what we learned building a student media startup
  31. on activism
  32. family recipes
  33. what was your favorite toy?
  34. on running
  35. my relationship with my mother
  36. on Chipotle
  37. advice you’d give your high school self
  38. write about one of your most-visited websites
  39. on politeness/niceness
  40. your biggest fears
  41. coffee or tea
  42. my relationship with my sister
  43. a book that you reread
  44. on concerts
  45. on the language of social media
  46. a movie you rewatch
  47. what’s the dominant emotion in your life right now?
  48. the great outdoors
  49. on undergraduate research
  50. write about your first week in college
  51. picking a box (inspired by the New York Magazine article “Can Racism Be Stopped in the Third Grade?”)
  52. transitional objects
  53. on meditation
  54. combatting imposter syndrome with community
  55. a time you were drunk
  56. write an email you will never send
  57. on student journalism
  58. on milestones
  59. a private prompt
  60. do you miss anyone?
  61. what’s delivered to my inbox
  62. as a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  63. your favorite museum
  64. on mental health
  65. on perseverance
  66. the end of the school year
  67. write about a game you played as a child
  68. family time
  69. your summer plans
  70. what makes you nervous
  71. why i read
  72. waiting at the DMV
  73. on snake people (aka millennials)
  74. on suburbia
  75. how do you pack?
  76. write about an imagined connection between random people
  77. my relationship with my father
  78. what are you more comfortable with — routine or spontaneity?
  79. describe your relationship with your phone
  80. five pet peeves
  81. if you could erase one incident from you past, what would it be?
  82. on history
  83. a rainy day
  84. things that can always make you laugh
  85. early bird or night owl
  86. write about your favorite quote
  87. casual life goals
  88. define adulthood
  89. why i write
  90. America!
  91. being alone
  92. what was the last book you read?
  93. things i learned in college that i didn’t earn a degree for
  94. how do you stay organized?
  95. describe your teenage hangout spot
  96. something that makes you uncomfortable
  97. what have you changed your mind about?
  98. on FOMO
  99. what have you learned about process?
  100. what i learned writing 750 words every day for 100 days

If you have any prompts you think others might enjoy, leave them in a comment!

