#19: I’m not perfect. What gives me the right to post motivational quotes?

A Chronic Voice
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2017
Why is my Instagram full of happy, feel good, often cliché quotes?

I’m not the most upbeat or positive person around, but that doesn’t mean that I spend my days wallowing in misery either. I read this interesting article on 13 common cognitive distortions the other day, and could unfortunately relate to everything! On the list was ‘the all or nothing thinking’, which I’m guilty of to a large degree. Such extremes can be bad for our wellbeing, and is a defective way of thinking. I would also peg myself high on the ‘catastrophic thinking’ chart. Why then, is my Instagram full of happy, feel good, often cliché quotes? Am I doing it just to appeal to the mainstream?

Well to begin with, there is a reason why inspirational or motivational posts never go out of fashion. No matter how many articles we’ve read that rehash the same formulas, we’re tempted to click on that next promising title. We want to be more and more productive, we want more inspiration, we want a more fulfilling life. We click in hopes of finding new insight, an undiscovered nugget of wisdom.

Sometimes after I post a quote on Instagram encouraging people to be less judgmental or to be happier, I go off right after and do the opposite. Am I a hypocrite? I don’t really think so. I post these inspirational captions because they stir something within me. They provide me with food for thought, even though it’s only for a few minutes. A mini meditation for the day.

Then again, what’s the point if I don’t practice what I think after? It’s not that I don’t try to, but it can be so easy to forget. So I keep posting, and posting some more, using them as daily self-reminders to be kind, happy and content. I think it is making a difference bit by bit. I desire to become a kinder person over time, and these wise (or cliché) quotes I post and think about every day help shift my thoughts towards the light.

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A Chronic Voice

Articulating lifelong illness through various perspectives.