Taking the Weekend Off

Thain Simon
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2017

After forty-seven posts in forty-seven days, I’m going to take the three day weekend off from writing.

Writing everyday has become part of my evening routine, like brushing my teeth, except that it takes an hour or two. But the posts this week all took longer than normal and were harder to come up with than in previous weeks. Fatigue has set in. So while it feels good to have kept the streak alive this far, doing so for its own sake would be optimizing for the wrong thing.

I had two goals for this project. First, to build the practice of writing; to put words down on paper every day. Second, to chip away at my fear of sharing my thoughts publicly. I’m making progress on both fronts, and those are the important things. 100x100 is a structure for making those things happen.

So I’m taking the weekend to rest and reflect. See you on Tuesday.

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