to Launch Oct 20, $ALTB on Oct 25th

Liam Ross
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2021

First of all, I have to apologize for yet another delay from a development perspective.

Honesty and transparency is important. The reason for this delay is due to the website not being ready.

Why is it not ready? Well, there’s a few answers to that however instead of getting into a blame game, we have decided to change the direction of our web development, and with that the project and the token launch itself. will go live Oct 20th

Inundated By The Same Old Issues

I have become tired of the inefficiencies behind our site, so you, the holders — must be equally pi**ed off.

Here you’ll be saying: “But hey, you’re the website guy.” of which in some part is true, but from a development perspective our hands have been tied for months now.

The 100xCoin site was built on a Content Management System (CMS) of which we wouldn’t advise using from a tech perspective.

It’s slow, implementing on-page SEO is particularly strenuous, and the developers that come with this CMS are typically not fast enough, as has proven to be the case.

Therefore, we will be migrating the entire platform to a new CMS, of which will have the entire audit implemented, and 20 new landing pages on deployment.

The new date for the website, migration to — is now Oct 20th.

We are as annoyed as you will be by this, however we have had to make changes from a web dev perspective to ensure that these issues don’t keep happening.

The Last Delay

From now on, the days of missing deadlines and under-achieving are gone.

The new site will be hosted and managed by our partner tech team, meaning that all of the inefficiencies that have crippled us to-date are now over.

We manage everything. The site, it’s performance, the rankings.

Now everything is under our control. The team to do it has been hand-picked for the job.

There is no excuse for failure now. We are in control of our own success and we will be able to bring to life the digital strategies that so far have just remained concepts due to the problems described.

So, before throwing your toys out the pram and saying how we have failed again, realize that we have taken steps backwards to take big steps forwards.

The Web Development team we are now using, through our partner crypto marketing agency, will take this to the next level and allow us to improve the site faster than we have before.

Our rankings will drop for around 1–2 months whilst we run the migration, however this is absolutely essential in order to futureproof this project and give it a site that is deserving of the Home of Altcoins.

Initial Concepts are Underway — Go Live Date Oct 20th for and $ALTB

What Happens Next?

You just need to sit and wait, again, we are sorry.

However, the swap window will be extended in line with the delay here, so this gives more users the chance to swap their 100x.

Currently, around 25% of holders have made the swap, so with the extended timeframe this should allow plenty of time.

If you still need to swap, head to and depending on your device, you’ll either need to copy and paste the URL into your meta mask browser, or connect directly.

There are slightly different nuances as per the device and wallet you are using. But it definitely works, perhaps after a few attempts.

The Swap Window will be extended to at least the 20th, with exceptions processes in place thereafter.

Buys Enabled Oct 25

Liquidity will be added and the new contract opened for buys on Oct 25th. This is to prevent any trading prior to liquidity being added, and to also align the launch with the new website for maximum effect. The home of altcoins deserves a platform that does that slogan justice.

The token will launch, and the swap window will close — on Oct 25. New Platform Deployment Oct 20

The 100xCoin will be redirected on or around this date, and the new platform will be live with all new pages and UX.

There are 20 new pages being deployed vs what is on the existing 100x site, with a vast amount of keyword volume coming with these new pages. Again, the new site will be a huge plus for our SEO over time. The structure of the new site will be much better, and it’ll load significantly faster than what we have at present.

We are currently achieving results on our own platform that are 3x faster than that of the 100x platform. We have tested this already and the results are astounding.

Exchanges Not Playing Ball

There are some exchanges who have made the process difficult. We are working with each exchange to ensure holders can move funds, and is another reason for the delay. There’s more to this process than what initially was laid out. It’s being worked on and announcements will follow.

Over To Us

So, once again, I’m apologizing to you on behalf of the team.

However, we assure you that from here on things get better and we move faster.

Look forward to showing you the first signs of that on Oct 20th.

To deploy a website like this in 10 days is a tough ask in itself, but we are committing to it in order to give the holders the payback deserved for a lot of missed deadlines and broken promises.

That all stops now, and we are taking ownership of our success from a development, marketing, and leadership perspective.

We won’t let you down again.

New Contract Address:


