NFTs: The future or a damp squibb?

Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2021

This year has brought the fruition of one of the hottest trending topics in crypto today.

The NFT craze and the search for the top NFT coins have infected the internet and all people on it. From A-list celebrities, professional sports clubs, graphic designers, and everyone else in between, it seems that NFTs are really here to stay.

Although there are mentions that NFT technology may be what revolutionizes the digital space, an odd sense of familiarity and nostalgia can be sensed from cautious players. Could the top NFT coins really shape the future or will we see a repeat of the great ICO fad of 2017?

The Future of top NFT coins

To some, the recent rally has thrown off the consistent progression of new NFT development. As the general public and media are quick to mention the topics of NFT art and digital collectibles, It may have felt to a minority of blockchain enthusiasts, is this really it?

Although the ability to tokenize digital assets for music, art, and other collectibles is a technological advancement in itself, there may be more use cases in the coming future.

An example of this is what JustLiquiditiy is doing, by implementing NFT staking models. Users can stake tokens for a designated amount of time and earn an NFT to access the next pool up. These NFTs act like a ticket to reward users for staking in these LPs.

Regarding real-world examples, NFTs may have some use for the logistics industry. A high-end retailer in Italy has begun using NFT technology in their factories to track products being shipped. Scanning the unique NFT on the package of a luxury shoe shows metadata, such as warehouse location and arrival or departure times.

The current NFT projects in crypto today seem to be rapidly growing in popularity. Although we are at the very beginning of NFT technology, there is certainly plenty of room to grow. For now, we will have to wait and see what the top NFT projects plan on implementing in the near future.

What are some of the top NFT projects?

To better understand the current state of the NFT market, we should analyze the top NFT coins and their use cases.


Although fairly new to the NFT space, 100xCoin is one of the fastest-growing projects in DeFi today. The 100xCoin ecosystem is constantly evolving and their NFT marketplace (100xCollabs) will be one of the leading projects in NFT services. 100xCollabs aims to bring in new users to both blockchain technology and the NFT scene by providing exclusive custom-made NFTs of beloved celebrities and professional athletes. By simply holding 100xCoin, users will have an opportunity to obtain these rare collectibles. Integration with Chainlink technology will also follow the launch of 100xCollabs.

Binance NFT market

Binance has had insane amounts of users on their trading platforms in recent months. Now with the introduction of an NFT marketplace, an enormous amount of reach for new artists, featured on the platform could mean immediate success. Binance is also able to provide strong liquidity backing and minimal gas fees, making for a perfect environment for NFT trade.

Artists who are featured on the platform will receive 90% of profits from sales. Making the platform an attractive and competitive choice for users to bring their art and collectibles over.


The Theta Network is the largest NFT project by market capitalization. Focused around the decentralization of video and streaming content, the Theta blockchain incentives users to offer up excessive resources such as bandwidth to better improve the network streaming capabilities. Users are given TFUEL tokens as a reward for resources shared. Application for Theta’s blockchain includes the decentralization for edge computing, data distribution, and video streaming.

The future of NFTs

The future of NFTs is currently uncertain. While some see the technology to be a necessity in the next coming years, others are content with the novelty values and temporary interest they may provide. Regardless of which view you may undertake, the unraveling of the resolution will be an interesting development for the history of blockchain technology.



Writer for

PJ is a content writer and crypto enthusiast who has been invested in the crypto market since 2017.