PolyDogefather now live on CremePieSwap

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Although the overall cryptocurrency environment may still be in a state of utter confusion, CremePieSwap has felt little impact despite being born during the current market mayhem. The recently co-owned launch of the Polygon dApp has attracted plenty of projects, eager to be listed on one of the most popular DEX & AMMs as of recent. While CremePieSwap continues to launch new trading tools and interactive applications, all of this would be pointless without the interoperability to trade other DeFi projects based on the Polygon network.

The first official listing on CremePieSwap

PolyDogefather is not only the most recent listing for CremePieSwap but is also the first coin to be officially announced and listed on the DEX & AMM. CremePieSwap’s Twitter account has already begun promotions to its 44.9k followers, showcasing just one of the advantages of listing with the new MATIC DEX. A good deal of investors and traders may now be interested in what exactly is PolyDogefather and if they should add the coin to their portfolios.

What is PolyDogefather

As so many meme projects are continuing to launch on the Binance Smart Chain, oversaturation may be a prominent issue to address. PolyDogefather has taken the leap and aims to elevate the meme space to the next level by cementing themselves on Polygon(MATIC), one of the hottest networks and blockchains in crypto today. PolyDogefather uses deflationary tokenomics to reward investors that hold $DOGEX in their MATIC-supported wallets. Both automatic and manual burns are frequent occurrences in PolyDogefather, along with a 3% redistribution fee for all transactions to holders. Anti rug pull tokenomics through locked in liquidity will give confidence to holders, while transferring 1% of transaction fees to the liquidity pool.

PolyDogefather and his large family

What makes PolyDogefather unique from other auto deflationary meme projects, is the self-sufficient ecosystem it brings. Quite literally relevant from the name, Polydogefather will bring its own ‘family’ of tokens along with it. An ecosystem dubbed the ‘Polydoge-family’ provides holding and staking rewards to users.

By holding Polydogefather $DOGEX, you will get airdropped Polydogemother.

By staking Polydogefather/MATIC, Polydogemother/MATIC, or Polydogefather/Polydogemother LP token, you will receive Polydogebrother.

You will get Polydogesister by singly staking Polydogefather, Polydogemother, or Polydogebrother.

You will receive Youngdoge by staking Polydogesister/MATIC or single staking Polydogefather.

Dogeshit is the meme token that will be airdropped to anyone who owns any token of the Polydoge-family above.

Dogedollar is a stablecoin that is backed by the whole ecosystem of the Polydoge-family. Those who lock Polydogefather will have the voting right to decide the staking interest rate of Dogedollar.

DogeArt, an NFT project

As the NFT craze continues to take over the market, PolyDogefather will also support its own NFT project on the Polygon network. DogeArt plays a unique twist on how their NFT system will work. Community members of PolyDogefather will have the opportunity to draw their own NFTs on a decentralized application, showcasing their work on the official DogeGallery website. This gives a fantastic opportunity for aspiring artists to get their name out there, or for members of PolyDogefather to just have a bit of fun. Users will be able to mint these NFTs on the blockchain, allowing for trading with other market users.

An added bonus of the DogeArt program is the ability to earn $DOGEX on NFTs by receiving votes from members of the community. This voting system incentivizes creativity and friendly competition to create some of the best NFT pieces in the market space today.

PolyDogefather is now available to be traded on the CremePieSwap dApp. If you would like to learn more visit the PolyDogefather official website.



Writer for

PJ is a content writer and crypto enthusiast who has been invested in the crypto market since 2017.