Curtis Ramsay
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2021


The day is almost here, with the much anticipated update to the 100x branding almost at fruition, and within the next week, the overhaul will be complete.

The changes include new product and brand names, a fresh new website, smart contract changes and a complete design revamp, all implemented to drive the community project previously known as 100x to compete with the biggest players in the industry.

From Sept 26th, 100xCoin and the remaining brand connotations associated with this name will be transitioned out, to be replaced with a more streamlined name — Altbase.

27th Sept — Altbase Token Smart Contract Goes Live

The migration from 100xCoin to Altbase Token is set to begin on Sept 27. Holders will have to store 100xCoin tokens in Metamask or Trust Wallet accounts, and then execute a transfer via the Altbase website. A 5 day fair migration window will allow users to swap with sufficient time, with the link for the swap soon to be provided on the 26th.

Migration and Token Transfer Details

For any holders that currently have their 100xCoin tokens stored on different exchanges, the original 100xCoin token will be delisted and relisted shortly after as Altbase Token.

It is highly advisable to complete the transition before this delisting occurs.

Improvements To The Total Supply

The current supply of 878 Trillion tokens is being reduced down to 878 Million. This change will not affect the value of a holder’s current holdings, as the swap will happen proportionally in relation to the amount previously held.

The community team recognizes that for Altbase Token to become a true trading pair with the various cryptocurrencies on offer, there needs to be alterations made to the existing smart contract to make this desire a reality.

0% On All Transactions From Now Until 1st Oct

During the migration that is set to begin on Sept 27th, all transactions from now will be set to 0%.

This reduction to 0% will be in place until the swap is complete on the 1st Oct, to ensure all transactions are tax-free during the swap.

This decision was made to enable the community of users to transfer their existing 100xCoin tokens to either MetaMask or Trust Wallet, in order to allow the swap to take place.

What Will The New Tokenomics Be?

2% Liquidity on all Tx. This is because we want to prevent the liquidity from growing. The token will be used for full utility within the Altbase app and products that are built, without incurring high taxes. This will also assist with getting the token listed on alternative exchanges.

100xCoin Will Become Altbase Token

The new name for 100xCoin will be Altbase Token, and is set to take effect with the release of the new smart contract. The objective behind the renaming is to provide a simplified and streamlined approach to the tokens identity, in order to better suit the use case that it was designed for — Altbase Token will become the true native currency behind the Altbase exchange.

The Need For Change

Previously holding the meme coin identity, the tokenomics model of 100xCoin reflected this category of token. With the desire to move away from this categorization, the need to change both the branding and tokenomics is the only way to make this change of perception occur.

By reducing the supply of tokens in circulation, Altbase’s proposition becomes more aligned with the industry leaders in this space.

Brand New Name, New Logo, New Website — Altbase

The modifications taking place are transpiring across the entire existing 100x brand, and platform.

A complete overhaul is taking place that will create a better harmony across all products and messaging, to allow a more consistent proposition when branding the community project to new investment opportunities. Will Move to

The current website of is being redirected to a brand new URL as part of the rebranding process —

The new website will now have a much cleaner, simpler and more relative address that coincides with the rest of the rebranding efforts. will soon be the home of the Altbase brand of products and will be the first place people will turn to when they are looking to buy altcoins and meme coins.

The platform is not being entirely migrated, so this means current rankings within Google, and traffic to the existing address should remain.

From Sept 26th — will be the home of the Altbase brand of products.

Simpler, Clearer, More Recognizable Logos

As is needed with any rebranding effort of this size, the current logos and designs for the 100x branding have to be redesigned, in order to fit with the corresponding modifications also being made across the entire Altbase product suite.

The new logo is a complete refresh and generates a much cleaner aesthetic than the previous designs. With the new logo, the goal is to create a design that is not only easily identifiable, but also diminishes the confusion between the previous product names of Altbase and 100x.

Why A Rebrand Is The Best Step For Success

The overall purpose of the rebranding efforts is better coordination and synergy. By using a collective brand name across all products and services that Altbase has to offer, a clear association is created that was severely lacking with the current approach.

The need for recognisable and effective branding is absolutely crucial for any operation or organization.

By transitioning everything from the 100x name to a clear and identifiable brand name like Altbase, potential investors are better able to clearly identify Altbase and its suite of products and services from everyone else in the current market.

This aim is to build trust, respect and loyalty, with consistent branding being a key step to enforce this belief with potential investors.

The goal and intention of the community has not changed — Altbase will be the home of altcoins, and the go-to place people will turn to when they want to invest in their favourite altcoin projects.

The changes that are currently underway are a testament to the community that Altbase are determined to make this a reality. By making the necessary changes now, Altbase positions itself to become a dominant force in the industry.

