100x x Stork

Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2024

Trade at the best prices

Reliability is paramount to trading. In the highs and the lows, when it’s time to take profits or when liquidation is one red candle away, having the right price makes all the difference in the world.

On 100x, users can already enjoy a self-custodial, CEX-like experience with high speed execution and even more. Assets can be accessed before they become available anywhere else through pre-launch perps, plus deposits get native yield and multiple rewards just by being on 100x. But without reliable prices, it would all be for nothing.

For prices to be accurate, they need dependable sources and steadfast, lightening-fast updates. That’s why you need the best oracle in the industry. That’s why 100x is integrating Stork.

The Stork DNA

Stork uses a hybrid, ultra low-latency price feed powered by a network of data publishers to bring TradFi speed to DeFi. To offer institutional-grade instruments in a decentralized structure, Stork’s off-chain feed can be monitored by protocols and pushed on-chain only when needed.

The best implementations are often discrete, made under the hood. Stork doesn’t require users to learn anything new or take any action, it’s simply there. One day you get in your car, turn on the engine, and horsepower is up a hundredfold. One day you open 100x, load up an order book, and updates come faster than you can track. This is the nature of Stork price feeds. You can’t describe speed, just feel it.

What speed means

This architecture reduces the price of updates considerably, with a triple effect: first, the off-chain price feed can be updated 100x faster. It’s not a meme. As the only data feed provider that offers end-to-end 10ms latency, Stork is 100x faster than CEX public apis. They’re not your average pull based oracle, just tapping into third party aggregators. This is cutting-edge tech, plugged right into the source.

Second, and most important to DeFi, the low-cost for updating the price feed means adding support for new assets becomes trivial. In a quickly changing environment, with tokens launching every day, this is crucial. As soon as tokens come to be and pre-launch perps convert into regular perps, 100x can track their price by the millisecond, thanks to Stork.

Last but not least, in the scenario where an account’s value falls below the margin requirement, fast and accurate prices are decisive so liquidations only happen when they’re truly necessary. Consider at least $100m gets liquidated every day, and it becomes clear liquidations are not a haunting specter, but a near certainty in life.

Behind Liquidations

The existence of leverage implies the existence of liquidations. No more than a loan from the exchange to the traders, leverage drastically increases efficiency and allows for substantial gains on limited capital. But for every 100x story there is one of investments taking a bad turn.

When the exchange loans assets to traders, it also takes the responsibility of managing their loan. It must ensure the trader’s collateral does not fall below the margin requirement, and liquidate them if it does. It’s ultimately an algorithmic decision, weighing collateral against the price of borrowed assets. Here is where Stork’s oracle comes in. With ultra low-latency feeds, exchanges can wait longer to rescue their loans, minimizing surprise liquidations.

This is especially important in DeFi, where volatility and risks are sky high. An inaccurate price feed is like a bumpy road. Drive slow enough, with low enough leverage, and you can make the trip just fine. But imagine placing a pothole in Formula 1. The first to hit crashes, then the next, and soon there is mayhem, followed by tragedy. This is how cascading liquidations work.

Luckily, you can be safe with this one simple trick: have enough collateral. Keep a safe distance from liquidation as you would from a car in front of you. Leave the roadworks to us.

About 100x

100x is bringing cutting edge technology to orderbooks so you can trade easily, and at the best prices.

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