how I opened my heart after a breakup

Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons
3 min readApr 18, 2020
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Breakups are never easy and most of the time it leaves a scar.

For me, it was not different. My divorce was a long and painful process, especially because the significant other was not collaborating.

After all the storm was gone, my heart and my mind were left with scars: fear of commitment, lack of trust and low self-esteem…

..and the path to getting better again was a tricky one.

Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

My fear of commitment was strong. I didn´t want to commit to anyone since my marriage was not what I expected. It was a rollercoaster and I never really felt like I had a partner that I could trust.

So I was afraid of giving 100% of myself again and getting back 43% of the other. Of course, everyone gives what is ready and wants to give, but as my last relationship was so unbalanced it made me fear relationships.

It was a personal and internal path to learn how to commit again and actually want to be in a relationship and feel comfortable about it.

Photo by Fabian Gieske on Unsplash

The lack of trust was built on me for several reasons (if I write everything it would be a book), and that made it tricky for me to trust and believe in what others said.

I became the type of person that didn´t believe in the others, even friends, and prefer to be in the companionship of my own solitude because at least I could trust myself.

It was a long hard road to learn how to trust again, and even today it is a bit of an open scar.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

After being body-shamed in my last relationship and having my mental health unbalanced, my body changed, I gained weight and my self-esteem was out gone.

This one is still a very open wound, and I´m still working on it. It is not easy, it is not something that every day you are in the mood of. I learning that I can accept myself and my looks and accept the changes that come as something positive. But this lesson takes time, at least for me.

It was a long hard book of lessons, and some of these lessons I´m still learning.

The truth is that my heart was closed and he came and kicked the door without asking permission for it.

All my challenges came and I´m facing them because we cannot hide forever under the bed.

It is a hard road, it can be painful and it takes time to close the wounds, but in the end, these heart scars make you….you!



Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.