It was my fault, I´m sorry

how to take full responsibility made me free

Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons
2 min readJan 22, 2018


open your wings (picture from StockSnap)

Bad things happen to all of us and when they do it is easy to blame others and not ourselves.

I notice that I was doing this a lot, I was blaming others for things that could actually be my fault, but it was a bit hard and painful to admit it.

The process of accepting my fault in things was slow, but it was also very insightful since it changed the way I saw myself in relation to things and relationships ( family, friends and others).

I was always seeing myself was a passive person, but in reality we are all active in most things related to us, and seeing myself as active made it easy to accept that maybe somethings were my fault.

It was my fault that I let a person treat me bad.

It was my fault that my academic life was not good as I wanted.

It was my fault that I was feeling depressed.

Of course there are external variables that are also influencing my life but how I react to them and how I feel about them it is all on me.

As I realize this in my self-discovery journey, I felt more me, free and more empowered.

It took therapy, journaling, meditation and reflection to get to this point where I see myself as active and responsible. It was a process that gave me a lot knowledge about who I am and wings to be more me around others.



Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.