Online therapy

how an app is helping me

Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons
3 min readJan 11, 2018


online and offline help (pic from StockSnap)

Do you know when you realize that you are in a relationship that is making you sad but you notice that you can´t get out of it…?

2. Do you know when you notice that your self esteem is different than what it used to be…like…lower?

3. Do you know when you notice that your academic / work is not flowing as it used to flow…like you are slower, your result are not as good as before…?

4. Do you know when you basically do not have any motivation to leave your bed in the morning?

I was in all these situations…and living abroad.

I saw that I needed help, but somethings are easier to talk about in your native language…

I´m living in Denmark and I know that I speak English fluently (one mistake here, one mistake there…) but I didn´t feel comfortable in seeking therapy and talking in English about my things…

I saw one day on the internet about an app from Brazil (that I´m not going to name it here) that let you do therapy on your phone…sounded perfect!

I downloaded, paid and it is being amazing!

I can talk to my therapist on my own language, I can text her at any time ( and she replies when she can) and I feel very comfortable just by knowing that I can talk to her at any time!

It is completely different than texting or talking to a friend. Maybe because sometimes even talking a lot with my friends about my personal stuff, the therapy is helpful since it gives me tools and insights that sometimes friends can not give us. Don´t get me wrong, friends are amazing for emotional support, but therapy is something else…at least for me!

For me, online therapy is being part of my daily life and made my routine easier to deal. It makes me reflect a lot about myself and my relationships with others.

Therapy is helping me to improve myself, to cure from past emotional wounds and it is giving me tools to be better with myself.

Sometimes we can expect a lot from others but we are extremely cruel with ourselves.

We tried always to be the best, to do the best, to do it all at all the time, but sometimes this can hurt us, we can hurt ourselves by being so harsh with our own things, feelings, body, emotions, skills…

Most of the times, we can forgive others but we can´t forgive ourselves!

Sometimes we can make mistakes and also get hurt in relationships and we need help to cure…otherwise we will just do the same mistakes in the next relationship and get even more hurt…it is like a snow ball!

The point is…if you feel you need help, it doesn´t matter if it is physically or online, seek for the best way for you, what makes you comfortable to do and talk about your feelings…

It certainly made wonders for me!



Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.