what will be written in your tombstone?

because life goes so fast…

Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


picture from StockSnap

I don´t know about you but my day goes by fast. I´m so busy with my study, work, writing, family…and everything else that sometimes I forget how fast life goes by.

When I was on my master, a student from my old university passed away, I had no connection to him and I only heard of it on the newspaper because it was an accident. The point is: the guy was such a dedicated student that the newspaper didn´t know what to write about him and they wrote how many papers he published, the courses he had done…basically they wrote about his academic life.

That made me think: that guy dedicated his life to his academic life…no girlfriend or partner…no social life…no nothing. What would be written on his tombstone? “excellent student”?

After that, I started to think about how I was spending my life and my time on, how I was treating people…

I know I´m still young, on my 30´s, but I feel like I want more in life besides my academic life ( of course I value my academic life and I love it, otherwise I wouldn't be doing a PhD…) but I know that there is more in life than published papers…

I guess the idea of only having an expect of my life developed (like my academic life or professional life) scared me as hell, and made me think on how could I make an impact on someones life…

Even if I don´t make a huge impact in the world, I still want to be remembered for more than my academic contribution. Maybe I will be a nice mom, maybe I will be a good partner, maybe I will start something that can help people…or maybe I can be remembered as a person that was loving and respectful towards others…

Maybe this is just me being paranoid and scared, or maybe it was how the newspaper talked about that guy that passed away so young…but it is weird how the death of a person that I didn´t even know could change me and marked me so much…



Sah. V. Lasso
101 relationships lessons

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.