Mammograms and Home Remodeling

Brenda Ray Coffee
1010 Park Place
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2016

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. No one’s more aware of this than those who’ve already been diagnosed with breast cancer or know someone who has. It’s been 12 years since my diagnoses and treatment, but a sore place on my left breast made me think about recurrence.

Since I’m not one to look the other way and do nothing, I had my oncologist schedule a mammogram and an ultrasound of both breasts.

I’m grateful beyond words to report everything looks good. Thank you, God. Thank you! Even so, I’ll continue to be vigilant about self-exams and mammograms and so should you. When was the last time you had a mammogram?


With a huge sigh of relief, I’m continuing to remodel the home I purchased. If you watched my video tour then you know there’s a lot to be done.

This morning the painter showed up late — minus his crew — and he has no idea when, or if, he’ll see them again. There are workmen who don’t return my phone calls; don’t speak English and one who invaded my personal space and called me “sweetie.” At the other end of the spectrum, one guy’s so shy, I wonder how he managed to have three children? Then there’s the contractor who quoted me $30k to redo the master bathroom and replace three sets of French doors, and I’m buying most of the materials. Seriously? It’s not like I don’t know what’s involved.

Singlehandedly, I restored a three-story, 6,400-square-foot home. I’m the best plaster person you’ll ever meet; a meticulous painter; I work sunup to sundown — every day — and I cleanup as I go. My crowbar and sledge hammer are in storage, but if “Mr. Right” doesn’t show up soon, I’m inclined to buy new ones and do the work myself.

I’d start by tearing out a marble counter and built-in cabinets in the kitchen; replaster the walls and then slide my 130-year-old, Swedish pine cabinet into the same space. It’s just the right size to hold the crystal and china I inherited from mother, who got it from her second husband’s late, first wife… Did you follow that?

On the other hand, I’ve got enough to do without remodeling this house myself. If I can get through breast cancer, James’s death and the subsequent loss of my entire family, I can put up with a few unreliable workers. BTW, I picked a paint color!

