Brenda Ray Coffee
1010 Park Place
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2018

“You mean I really have to start walking?” Selfie, ©Brenda Coffee, 2010

Have I told all of you how wonderful I think you are? How much I value and appreciate you? The kindest, wisest, smartest women in the world read my blog, and I’m so grateful. You leave me such great messages and emails of support, and when you don’t agree with me… Like good girlfriends, you let me know that as well, but you give me alternatives to think about.

For all of these things, I value, appreciate and love each and every one of you.

In my last blog, Cheese Enchiladas or a Broken Hip, I wrote I was having a hard time getting motivated to start walking. According to my doctor, my bones are “significantly thinning,” and I need to walk. His parting words were “Don’t fall.” Before that moment it never occurred to me a broken hip could actually happen to me.

Your comments have given me a dose of reality. You’ve shown me I need to get over my dislike of walking and just do it!

I’ve survived things you couldn’t dream up in a million years; I’ve always been the poster girl for diet and exercise, so it’s been baffling — even to me — that I’d turn a blind eye to the very real possibilities of a broken hip because I don’t like to walk. Sure, I use the treadmill three days a week at the gym, but that’s not enough. I read where 40% of people never fully recover from a broken hip. They’re in pain; they limp, or they’re on a walker or a cane for the rest of their lives. Some even die from complications of a broken hip!

I’m taking this seriously, girlfriends!

I’m researching treadmills, motor size, consumer reviews and have asked my trainer for his input. I’m looking at new and used treadmills and hope to make a decision in the next week. I have an empty room that’s perfect for my workout room, yoga mat and hand weights.

Thank you, Mithra, for suggesting the podcast, “S Town.” It sounds like something I’d love to listen to while I walk, so I’ve subscribed. If I want to watch an episode of a television show, I’ll watch it on my iPad so I don’t incur more cable/black box charges. I’m not crazy about earbuds, so I’d like a speaker for my music and podcasts…. Any suggestions, you wise women?

Annie and Lulu have already given me a “paws up” on this. The guest room plus my “workout room” are upstairs and have been off limits to the girls. They like to shred rolls of toilet tissue when I’m not around and get stuck under the beds. This week I took down the baby gate at the foot of the stairs. Like two little rockets they launched themselves up the stairs and then, in unison, looked at me like, “What’s taking you so long?” They’re beside themselves with excitement and curiosity at the prospect of spending time there.

Thank you, again, dear friends! Sometimes I inspire you, and other times you brighten my world and inspire me. You’re the best!

