Flash knowledge

Urs Enzler
101 ideas for agile teams
2 min readNov 16, 2017

This post is part of 101 ideas for agile teams.

fast and leaves an impression


You want to share pieces of knowledge with persons in your office in a non-intrusive way. Either because there is no time for education on the topic or not enough interest to come to a workshop or training.


Pick a spot in your office that a lot of people visit: the coffee machine, fridge door, main entrance, bathroom, …

Hang a short piece of knowledge where everybody can see and read it. Reading should be done in under a minute.

Make it beautiful so that people really look at it with visualizations, colors, …

Flash knowledge is a small piece of knowledge placed at a spot a lot of people stumble upon, to trigger thoughts and discussions.

What you gain

The provided piece of knowledge will hopefully trigger some thoughts or even discussions in the coffee break.

Piece by piece you can educate your colleagues on a topic even if there is no time for education (or at least too little time).

How to strengthen

Change the piece of knowledge frequently (content and looks), otherwise people will start to overlook it.


People will just ignore the flash knowledge. Try something different…

Please help me improve this idea by providing feedback.

More ideas at 101 ideas for agile teams

Many thanks to bbv Software Services for making this blog post possible.

