Meeting value analysis

Urs Enzler
101 ideas for agile teams
2 min readSep 5, 2016

This post is part of 101 ideas for agile teams.


Management and/or team complain about to many meetings that take too long.


Make an analysis of the value of all meetings. For every meeting, ask every stakeholder (participant, sponsor, line manager etc.) what value the meeting provides.

What you gain

Transparency about what meetings provide what value to whom. Often, team members don’t see the value provided for others and therefore think a meeting is superfluous.

This can later be used to optimize meetings for outcomes.

How to strengthen

Repeat the analysis frequently.


The analysis is misused to establish some kind of metric. Make clear that the goal of the analysis is purely to make transparent, who gets what out of which meeting.

More ideas at 101 ideas for agile teams

Many thanks to bbv Software Services for making this blog post possible.

