Are Kickstarter, Indiegogo or other crowdfunding pledges considered charitable contributions?

Generally, not.
1099 .is
1 min readOct 18, 2015


Non-profits are welcome to use Kickstarter for creative projects and may offer tax deductions if the creator decides it’s appropriate. It will be clearly identified on the page where you submit your contribution.

Indiegogo displays a “Verified Nonprofit Campaign” badge.

We suggest that if you have questions about tax deductions, please contact the project creator directly via the crowdfunding website before you submit your contribution. Remember to request a receipt from the actual non-profit in order to claim a charitable deduction.

Kickstarter and taxes — a guide for your accountant.

The foregoing is not intended to be, and should not be construed to be, tax advice. This website offers general answers to general questions based on information obtained from and other publicly available information. Collaborative Fund cannot be held responsible for the results of any position taken on a tax return by any user of this site. Users should always obtain independent tax advice from a qualified tax professional to determine the tax consequences applicable to such user’s personal situation.


1099 .is

The Collaborative Fund worked with partners to create, a repository of tax and accounting information for those self-employed or earning side-income.