
NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT
4 min readJun 27, 2022

AnotherSigma is a very well-known artist in the NFT space with a unique style. Beside that he is also collecting what he likes.


Tell us something about yourself. What do you do outside of art and how did you get into art?

I am Sigma, I am from Venezuela based in Tenerife Spain. I’m an abstract psychedelic artist, right now my only occupation is my art, and I’ve been painting since I was a kid but I stopped because no one understood my paintings.

I’ve been in contact with art all my life because my dad was an art collector IRL.

How did you find your way to the NFT space and when did you join?

I joined the NFT space in September 2021 and it was thanks to a friend IRL that asked me “hey do you still paint?” And I told him: “Yes, why?” And he told me: “You should try to make NFTs.”

I was like… ok I have no clue what that is but I’m gonna try it, and I did it.

What three people have inspired/influenced you?

My Dad, the work of Atanasio Soldati and the words of @rebellicca.

Collaboration with Mangoscam

What is your motto in life?

PAYtience: patience always PAY.

How would you describe your art in maximum 5 sentences?

I let my art speak for itself but you will find that it is an organized colorful detailed and calculated chaos.

What tools do you work with?

I use my iPad.

What inspires you in your art?

The wish of making something beautiful that people can visually enjoy, the music inspires me a lot and the works of other artists as well (Soldati, Kandinsky, Miró).

How much time do you invest in your art per week?

Depends… sometimes 0 time, sometimes full days.

Collaboration with Isabelarts

How much time do you invest per week in sales, e.g. on Twitter?

IMO 100% Most of my time is here on Twitter.

How do you go about marketing your art? Are there any tips or tricks?

I think it is ok, I’m always selling (privately and publicly).
There is not such a thing as a trick. Stay real.

What marketplaces are you in and why those?

  • OpenSea
  • LooksRare
  • FND
  • KnownOrigin
  • Orica
  • Objkt
  • Async

Tbh I prefer to mint my own contract, so I have no favorite marketplace right now, maybe in the future I would pick one.

Do you remember your first sale? Tell us about it.

I remember my first sale was in my first week in the space, it was to a friend but I don’t know what happened to him, I think he disappeared.

Collaboration with Minideath_NFT

What other artists do you like and why?

This would be a huge list so I’m naming only 2 .

The works of @MangoscamEth are on point, the mix of artworks and words of @rebellicca are sublime and epic.

Are you a collector yourself?

Yes I do collect, you can find it on my OpenSea.

If so, what do you like about it?

Simple question-simple answer. I like the art.

How do you choose the artworks you want to collect?

Is not that complicated, I only pick what I like if I can afford it.

What were your 3 biggest challenges?

I think they haven’t happened yet.

What were the 3 best experiences?

Being on NFTLiverpool, being collected by amazing people and I changed my life (that’s more than an experience I think).

Collaboration with Satoshibles

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

I see myself here in the NFT space in one year.

How do you see the development in the NFT space since you joined? What was positive, what was negative?

Since I joined I think there’s A LOT of new people (already leaving, because of the market).
Depends… Some new people are just taking liquidity out of the market and some of them are really building. To me it is hard to say.

How do you feel about bigger NFT projects?

I bought 1 or 2 projects.

What is your opinion about the Metaverse?

I think it is necessary.

Is there anything you’d like to leave readers with in closing?

Hahaha, a classic one: Buy my art.

Thank you very much for the interview Sigma.



NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT

NFT, web3 and Metaverse magazine. Interviews, articles, news, spotlights…