
NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT
6 min readJun 7, 2022

Anna aka ArtivisionNFT is very known in the NFT space.

She is not only a versatile artist, but she is also very active on Twitter and helps many other artists through this.


Tell us something about yourself. What do you do outside of art and how did you get into art?

My name is Anna. I am a Ukrainian self-made artist.

I graduated in law, but art takes up my whole life. How I get into art is a very good question.

Basically, I was always quite a creative person, loved to draw, and create interesting art. But if we talk about NFT art, I get into it occasionally, like everyone of us. You just somewhere listen or read something, then it turns you to some direction and here we go, you are an NFT artist already.

I live my normal life, I still meet my friends outside of twitter, traveling, and enjoy life.

How did you find your way to the NFT space and when did you join?

I joined NFT space in august 2021.

My journey started very interesting, I remember to open news in internet and happendly my eyes were catched by news about collection of whales that was sold by crazy amount of money, I became curious, and my curiosity brought me here.

But I truly believe that accidents are not accidental in our life.

What three people have inspired/influenced you?

This is a good question and at the same time a very difficult question.

I truly believe that every person can inspire us in this or that way.

What is your motto in life?

With every choice you make, you risk the life you could have had; every time you decide, you lose it.

With which characteristics would you describe your art?

My art is unique, creative, meaningful, and special.

What tools do you work with?

I use Gimp, Blender, VQGAN.

What inspires you in your art?

I get my inspiration from life, from nature around me, from people I meet.

How much time do you invest in your art per week?

I try to invest a bit of time in my art daily, a balance between making art and studying new techniques.

How much time do you invest per week in sales, e.g. on Twitter?

I take the work with NFTs really seriously, so I invest about 8 hours/day on Twitter, making new connections, engaging with other artists and collectors and promoting my NFTs.

How do you go about marketing your art? Are there any tips or tricks?

The best marketing is to be active, no matter what you are doing, but if you are active people will see you.

For this work, you also need to build a community and engage with people from outside your circle works on this direction.

Supporting others will make people support you too naturally.

What marketplaces are you in and why those?

OpenSea — low cost for Ethereum chain and Polygon network.

Objktcom — IMO, the best for Tezos chain. Tezos has super low gas and a strong community.

Cryptocom — A big platform with own chain and free of gas.

VoiceHQ — A new platform where you can mint/sell/buy NFTs in $USDC with free gas.

Do you remember your first sale? Tell us about it.

My first sale ever was in my Pysanky collection, for less than 1 $USD at that time, and after around 2~3 weeks in the NFT space.

What other artists do you like and why?

Fortunately I have too many artists which I like, so to not forget any of them, I would prefer to avoid answering this question. :)

Are you a collector yourself?

Yes, I am also a collector.

I think that it is very hard to be just an artist or just a collector. Early or later you will start to do both things at the same time.

If so, what do you like about it?

Being a collector also makes me have pieces of arts not made just by me, but made by other artists around the world.

I mostly consider collections which first can fit in my budget, then I choose collections from artists which I see promoting the collection several times before I jump in.

In addition, I like to see what else the artist is doing for the community besides selling his/her arts.

How do you choose the artworks you want to collect?

Answered together with the one above.

What were your 3 biggest challenges?

  • Build community
  • Manage scarcity of NFT collections
  • Choose prices for your NFTs

What were the 3 best experiences?

  • Meet incredible people from all around the world
  • Develop my art skills and having my arts being recognized
  • Collaborations with other awesome artists

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

I see myself reaching new highs in my journey in the NFT space, with a lot more maturity, skills, and goals reached.

How do you see the development in the NFT space since you joined? What was positive, what was negative?

Both positive and negative things happened.

On the bad side, more scams are going on.

On the good side, it started to be adopted by more and more people and more platforms and chains started to appear.

Where do you think NFTs will go in 5–10 years?

I see it being mass adopted and being applied to solve real world problems, not just used by artists.

How do you feel about bigger NFT projects?

I like 1/1 collections, collectibles in general, pfps and photography.

I think all of them will yet have their public, however generated pfps/collectibles may have to invest more on making each piece really unique, not just based on properties.

In addition, including utility and rewards for collectors will be really welcome.

What is your opinion about the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is yet too new, but this will surely change the way we use the Internet in the next few years.

Everything is in an early stage of development.

Who is here now is like being pioneers and building the Metaverse.

Is there anything you’d like to leave readers with in closing?

The journey in the NFT space is not that easy like some people say. It demands a lot of time and experiments.

But, it is also not so hard that you need to give up.

Shortcuts do not help, but following and talking to the right people help.

Thank you very much for the interview Anna.



NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT

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