
NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT
6 min readJun 20, 2022

The artist RabbitsCrypto can be considered an old hand in the NFT world.
He is known not only for his incredibly versatile and creative bunnies, but also for his efforts to ensure that they are no longer killed uselessly.

For this he has teamed up with the IAFC (https://www.antifurcoalition.org/).

He is also known as a person who likes to help others. He likes to do that and doesn’t expect anything in return, from which a lot of people in the NFT space could benefit.




Tell us something about yourself. What do you do outside of art and how did you get into art?

I’ve been a freelance graphic designer for 27 years, serving clients all over Germany.

I have been interested in art since my childhood and so it was inevitable to take a creative path professionally as well. In this respect, my profession complements very well with the possibilities that Web3 and NFTs offer.

Apart from that I am a passionate family man (married, 1 son) and animal lover. My dog keeps me on my toes despite her advanced age.

How did you find your way to the NFT space and when did you join?

I heard about NFTs in early 2021 when I took my first steps into the crypto world.

Since August 2021, the NFT virus has gripped me and has not let go since then.

What three people have inspired/influenced you?

I have always gone my own way and follow it consistently. Sure, I sometimes make a few turns, but they are not influenced by others.

What is your motto in life?

Help others and you will eventually be helped too.

With which characteristics would you describe your art?

My bunnies are different — maybe even unique (at least I don’t know any comparable design language).

I want to express with my bunnies the diversity and that you can not commit.

I do what comes to my mind at the moment. Just like my bunnies.

What tools do you work with?

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.

What inspires you in your art?

As described above: What comes into my head.

Sometimes I think of zombies and think about how my bunnies look like zombies. Sometimes it’s just unknown figures that are supposed to express a feeling.

How much time do you invest in your art per week?

I spend 2–3 hours of creative work with the NFTs every day.

How much time do you invest per week in sales, e.g. on Twitter?

4–5 hours a day in the community meeting new people and getting excited about my bunnies.

How do you go about marketing your art? Are there any tips or tricks?

For me, it’s primarily about not being commercially successful.

Of course sales are nice and make me proud, but I get the greatest pleasure from helping new artists get started. According to my personal motto.

What marketplaces are you in and why those?

My main collection is on OpenSea. I started here because it was easy and cheap. OpenSea is still the best platform in my eyes and offers the largest audience. It’s clear and easy to use — at least I can’t complain about technical glitches.

My special International Anti-Fur Coalition collection (in support of IAFC) is on VERSUM. TEZOS is a perfect fit for the collection (keyword: Clean NFT) — unfortunately VERSUM is not very active in broadening out and the art there is offered very cheaply. But the design/GUI is very classy and clear.

Do you remember your first sale? Tell us about it.

My first sale is curious.

Since after 3 months I still had not sold a single bunny, I was about to give up and have created a “farewell bunny” in the form of a coffin. And this was sold relatively quickly.

So I started a second attempt — the rest is history ;)

What other artists do you like and why?

In real life: Kurt Schwitters (I love cubism/dadaism). In the NFT world, I don’t have a favorite because it is very experimental in a positive sense.

I like art that tells a story, evokes feelings and inspires.

Are you a collector yourself?

Yes — but only a small.

If so, what do you like about it?

It’s just nice to see how grateful people are.

If the purchase then also benefits other people/animals who urgently need help, then I feel an inner joy.

How do you choose the artworks you want to collect?

When I feel addressed and inspire me.

What were your 3 biggest challenges?

Show patience, patience, patience and keep calm when other people act too selfishly for me.

What were the 3 best experiences?

Since I especially help new accounts with advice and support, and then see when these are also implemented (and lead to success). That is a beautiful experience.

If the person also still thanks (unfortunately far too rarely), then it warms my heart.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

Difficult answer.

I probably won’t create any more bunnies and will only see myself as a mentor.

But who knows, I enjoy my bunnies so much that I’ll probably never stop — even if not quite as intensively.

How do you see the development in the NFT space since you joined? What was positive, what was negative?

It remains to be seen what the large corporations will do. They will certainly try to align the market with their standards, which is the nature of a corporation.

Corporations build and finance linear concepts and build structures that way. But what worries me most is the flood of dubious organizations/individuals who only want to harm you.

The issue of security plays a decisive role here.

Where do you think NFTs will go in 5–10 years?

NFTs will increasingly become commodities (and will be taxed as such).

It will be exciting to see how NFTs are used for games and education. This is where the greatest potential lies in my eyes.

How do you feel about bigger NFT projects?

I accept these as trailblazers and that they will ensure respectability/recognition.

What bothers me are the many copies/derivatives that do not stand for creativity and only want to participate in the success of the big ones — it’s human, but ultimately unimaginative.

What is your opinion about the Metaverse?

Is actually an old hat (keyword: Second Life), which gets new life breathed.

If one really understands and implements the metaverse as a universe of its own that is open to all, then something big can emerge in which all can participate more or less financially — but this requires that one understands that borders in the metaverse are obsolete.

Unfortunately, the human being is the weak point here, because he finds orientation in fixed borders. This must be broken through.

Is there anything you’d like to leave readers with in closing?

Let’s create something together.

NFTs and Cryptos have the possibility to tear down borders and abolish injustice, because conventions can be broken through and old structures can be broken down.

Thank you very much for the interview RabbitsCrypto.



NFTAndMore Magazine
10plus Questions To A NFT

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